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Searching Tip 1. Chemical status in Korea using NCIS

ChemTop1 2021. 2. 5. 23:31

Normally, we can search chemical status in the below URL for Korea chemical information.



National Chemicals Information System



However, we need to think about one thing.

When we search one chemical in NCIS, we can see the below comments and please see the red box.

NCIS's Comments

That is why you need to remember about the Hydrate Rule and you should not be confused the phase-in substances as new chemicals. 


#. How to Check if New chemicals or Existing chemicals

1. Firstly check whether chemical name includes "Hydrare" or not.

2. If Yes, that is a hydrate based chemical and search in NCIS.

3. When it is showned as new chemical with no searched information, please search the chemical except the hydrate in Google or other websites.

4. Find the chemical name or CAS No. except the hydrate in the website and search it again in NCIS.

5. If the chemical without the hydrate form is listed as an existing chemical substance, the hydrate based chemical is also considered as an existing chemical.


I heard some companies still do not know about this so please check this tip and use it when you want to check in Korea chemical inventory(NCIS). 



